
MBS Is unnecessarily creating problems for both Saudi Arabia & Islam by putting condition on Prez Trump about Palestinian. By Hem Raj Jain

The de-facto ruler of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salma popularly called MBS may be thinking that by putting condition before Prez Trump of Palestine State ( ‘two State solution’)  for Palestinians as a condition before normalizat


Palestinians should grab golden opportunity provided by Prez Trump’s Gaza Plan. By Hem Raj Jain

The Palestinians instead of getting wasted in martyrdom syndrome should take  mercy at least on their long suffering old people, women and Children  and should endeavor to bring relief and succour to them (ii)- Whether any one likes it or not it is only the USA and its Preside


Religious leaders of Indian Muslims ought to present-Bill in SCI to implement spirit "Places of Worship Act 1991"By Hem Raj Jain

Ajmer Dargah Sharif,  the Shrine of famous Sufi Saint Muin-al-din-Chisti popularly known as ‘Gharib Nawaz’(benefactor of poor) is the most revered shrine in India for Muslims not merely of India but also from neighboring and other countries   Therefore when a


Prez Biden ought to stop taking US-citizens for granted and should now give any American military aid in Ukraine. By Hem Raj Jain

The USA has already given rather wasted hundreds of billions of Dollars of military aid to UKraine but no victory so far because Ukraine Generals are no match to the requirement of winning the war. (ii)- Not merely NATO butt also under BUdapest Memorandum  Prez Biden is under obligation


US Citizens should be worried that despite US- 2024 General election Biden & Trump got away with their unpatriotic & comical on UKraine war. By Hem Raj Jain

So called parting shot by Prez BIden and non-serious comments from Trump quarter are evidence of deeper malaise afflicting the country the USA (ii)-  Since World WAr-II the leadership of the free world has brought many benefits to the USA (economic, political and military/ strategic ) (


Indian Muslims can still shed un-Islamic cowardice and can move Supreme Court CJI for restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri masjid. By Hem Raj Jain

The IAMC should stop shedding crocodile tears for Indian Muslims and instead should ask INdian Muslims to shed un-islamic-cowardiceto and to file petition in SCI for for the restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri masjid (ii)- Constructing Ram Mandir by violating laws of the land as per guidance


Whatever Prez Biden & PM Modi may think about Ukraine, Bangladesh etc but real solution is USDCGI. By Hem Raj Jain

 if Prez Biden & PM Modi think that without launching “ New US sponsored Rule Based Global Order” the global problems can be solved then they are living in a make believe world. 

This refers to the news that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Bid


If India / Jaishankar REALLY serious about rule based global order then India should leave the UN, SAARC, BRICS etc and take lead. By Hem Raj Jain

 The largest secular democracy India should take lead in launching a new-UN the USDN (United Secular Democratic Nations) by first mobilizing countries of Global South,  especially SAARC Countries (first Bangladesh) (ii)- If the USA agrees to join the USDN then  the USA ma


Plight of Hindus in Bangladesh should constrain PM Modi to understand - “Sanatani-Hindutva wouldn’t succeed”. By Hem Raj Jain

When Mahatma Gandhi failed in making Sanatani-Hindutva succeed then how would Modi ? (ii)- Jain-Hindutva would be known from only those religious leaders of Jainism who understand that Jainism is State based religion (iii)- Modi should solve the problems of Hindus of Bangladesh as mentioned in my


Organizations of Asian Indians in the USA paying lip-service about remedy of the plight of & atrocities on Hindus & others in Bangladesh> By Hem Raj Jain

Asian Indians are the second most powerful community in the USA (ii)- If the organizations of Asian Indians try to mobilize the US-establishment (especially in this 2024 year of general election) for solving the problems of Hindus and others then they are bound to succeed (iii) Asian Indians are


Sheikh Hasina irresponsibly shouldn’t leave Hindus and Awami League members & supporters at the mercy of blood thirsty criminals in Bangladesh. By Hem Raj Jain

India committed blunder by helping Bangladesh Army in removing Sheikh Hasina from Bangladesh (ii)- Sheikh Hasina resigned under pressure from Army by 45 minutes ultimatum hence this resignation is not valid in law (iii)- Sheikh Hasina shouldn’t irresponsibly leave Hindus and Awami League su


Biden-admin blundered by enabling Jamat-e-Islami to constrain pro-India PM Sheikh Hasina to flee the country. By Hem Raj Jain

Now the USA Should urgently intervene militarily (leaving India out of it) in Bangladesh to bring newly elected government in power (by free and fair election which is not possible under interim government installed by Bangladesh military) (ii)- Prez Biden can try to establish Christian majority


Civilizational-global-war would set-in irretrievably when Pakistan joined Islamic block. By Hem Raj Jain

There is one very important and fundamental difference between these two blocks (judaism-Christianity capitalist block v/s Islamic-Communist block) namely of exclusive private capital v/s State / Sovereign capital too (ii)- The way Israel is not listening to the USA and its allies and even the UN


The UKrainian Americans shouldn’t let go, the opportunity of 2024 US-General election - instead should endeavor for war. By Hem Raj Jain

It will help if Ukrainian Americans can request theUS-Orthodox Christianity successfully to help in this matter (ii)- Now as per Russian Laws the earlier UKrainian territories of Crimea and Donbass are territories of Russia (iii)-  If UKraine supported by NATO is seen to be succeeding i


By signing Tibet Bill Prez Biden has put responsibility on the USA & India than on China for Tibetans right of self-determination. By Hem Raj Jain

US-citizens also hope that the White House and US-Congress wouldn’t take the USA in the medieval ages  through reincarnation theory.about the selection of 15th  Dalai Lama 

Prez Biden has signed the Tibet Bill (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/stat

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com