Brick kiln slave family beaten and daughter kidnapped for failure convert to Islam


London: October 3, 2016. (PCP) British Pakistani Christian Association have rescued a brick kiln family who had been severely beaten for refusing to convert to islam, a daughter who was kidnapped during the attack has not been returned and police are refusing to start an investigation, despite eye witness accounts from many of the local Christians who are terrified it will happen to them too. On 15th September 2016 at 11:30 near the village of Samanyala near Kasur, Fiaz Masih and his family were awakened from their slumber by the noise of a group of people entering their home. Their home is muds house with no door to the main veranda just a piece of cloth to avert prying eyes, so forced entry is a task of no great difficulty. Fiaz Masih (54 years) and his wife Mumtaz (50 years) have 6 daughters and 2 sons. Their children include; Waris ( 31 years) Kalsoom (27 years) Syma (24 years) Shakeela (22 years) Beena (21 years), Arif (20 years) Jameela (17 years) Rukhsana (14 years). Six men and a woman known locally by the family who were armed with guns, sticks and metal poles began to beat the family asking them to convert to Islam or die. Despite the pain and threats to their lives the family stayed resolute to their Christian faith and refused to convert. This incensed the Muslim attackers even more. All the family members were tied up and blindfolded but two of them 20 year old Arif and 17 year old Jameela were kidnapped and dragged into a van outside. The two of them were taken to an unknown building and tortured but Arif refused to convert to Islam. He could here her screaming and was told by his captors that they were taking turns raping his sister and that all he had to do to save her was to convert to Islam, but still he refused though in great anguish for her. The next mornig the captors left a door open and Arif was able to escape when his blindfold slipped and he noticed no-one watching him. He loosened the ropes around his wrists and walked out of a place he describes as a big mansion. Hiding in the shadows he crept out of the palatial home and ran without looking back. Telling the story of his kidnap he was able to several short lifts in rickshaws and walked for several hours to get back home. He could no longer hear his sister's screaming when he left and believes she had been removed to another place. He never looked back when he ran from the property where he had been imprisoned and did not ask anyone the location as the building was a far way removed from other homes. Arif sadly cannot recall the location of the mansion. After the attack the family manages to loosen and free themselves from their poorly knotted binds. They went to their slave master for help, he ironically told them to go to the police. Local Kasur police refused to investigate the allegation of violence and the kidnapped daughter Jameela is still missing. Deputy Superintendent Abdul Qayoom Gondal refused to register a First Incident report for the crime. Even when Senator Kamran Michael submitted an application. However British Pakistani Christian Association hired a lawyer and got an agreement that an initial investigation would take place before a case for an FIR could documented. However, due to corroborating witness statements it seems likely an FIR will be registered and Kamran Michael has surfaced again to push this through the biased police system. The villains named on the application for an FIR are: Ghulam Muhamad, Ilyas Muhammed, irfan Muhamad, M Boota, M Ashraf, M Haroon, Umraan bibi. All of them are relatives. It is believed that an argument had built up over a few years after the family who were the only Christian family in the neighbourhood had continuously refused to convert to Islam. Approaches had been made by many of the local Muslim families intent on bringing this Christian family to the Islamic faith. Offers of wedding their daughters to Muslim boys, fiscal reward and better inclusion in the community fell on flat ears - Fiaz and his family were staunchly Christian. A few days before the attack however Mumtaz got extremely cross about the Muslim women trying to convert her to Islam In a heated fracas she used insulting words against some of the women which may have triggered the violent attack and last chance to convert. Moreover, many local Muslim boys wanted to marry Jameela and forced conversion in this manner is very much condoned in rural Pakistan, leading to a Muslim NGO releasing a report that estimates 700 Christian girls are kidnapped, raped and forced into Islamic marriage every year. Extremist ideology is widespread in Pakistan you could even say ubiquitous. Muslim's taking offence from the words and actions of the pariah Christians among them are a common occurrence. A Government that fails so often to protect their minorities are no better then Islamic state. But then again Pakistani is an Islamic state. This family have found refuge in a BPCA shelter the same home that led to the release of our first enslaved family. Again we had to extricate the family from their dangerous situation by escaping late at night in secrecy. It is not known if their slave master was party to the attack on their home, however he offered no assistance to the family and ordered them back to work the next day despite their healing wounds and anxiety. Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, said: "This family is deeply traumatized but safe now. We will now begin the arduous task of helping them rebuild their lives in an atmosphere of safety. However, the captured daughter Jameela may well never be found and is causing great anguish and despair. That Muslim despots can kidnap Christian girls with such impunity is blight on Pakistan's international reputation." He added: "The quality of life for Christians in Pakistan is reaching a nadir whilst Britain and America fritter money into a nation that has a relatively poor record of conduct as an ally in the war against terror too. British and American tax-payers should be questioning the need to keep sponsoring a nation that is a festering swamp for extremism, which Pakistan exports liberally across the globe."

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