10th Indian student dies in the USA in 2024. Some Indian American should urgently go to India to get petition filed in SCI. By Hem Raj Jain


IF hate / racial crimes are responsible for some of these deaths of Indian students and if this trend is not checked then the larger Asian Indian American community in the USA is also bound to face the  heat (of such hate /racial crimes) sooner than later. (ii)- Therefore there is a wake-up call for the Indian-diaspora in the USA which should urgently ensure that the GoI takes-up this matter seriously by trying to persuade the USA for Joint or  Shared  Investigation ( In case the USA doesn’t agree for Joint investigation)..   

Since the beginning of 2024, there have been at least more than half a dozen deaths of Indian and Indian-origin students in the US.(as reported at https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/India/another-indian-student-dies-in-us-marking-10th-incident-this-year/ar-BB1la3fH  and https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/indian-student-dies-in-ohio-fourth-such-death-in-a-month-in-us-101712352093472.html and https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/mysterious-deaths-of-indian-students-in-us/articleshow/107818645.cms ).  

This has shocked the Indian diaspora in the USA because the incident adds to a disturbing trend of deaths concerning Indian students in the United States and the alarming rise in the number of attacks has caused concern among the community and Some of the victims might have also encountered racism, discrimination, and  violence in their surroundings as hate crimes can’t be ruled out as mentioned also at https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2017/05/15/471270843/indian-americans-reckon-with-reality-of-hate-crimes  and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4X4TTB3s-3g (where  family of victim alleges murder) and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XD8rbGGrZFA and https://www.news18.com/world/behind-the-headlines-how-eight-indian-students-died-in-us-in-2024-8843154.html

But what is unfortunate in this matter is the fact that the Government of India (GoI) has so far not taken this matter with requisite seriousness and has not persuaded the US-administration to agree to conduct Joint or Shared investigation (in all these 10 deaths) where the investigation agency of India will work with the investigating agency of the USA specially to find-out where there is an element of hate / racial crime involved in all or any of these 10 cases. 

Because the GoI on its own will not do it  some Asian Indian American should urgently go to India and get filed a petition (on behalf of the Parents of these 10 victims) in the Supreme Court of INdia (SCI) against the GoI to legally constrain the GoI to persuade the  US-administration to agree to conduct Joint or  Shared investigation (in all these 10 deaths) where the investigation agency of INdia will work with the investigating agency of the USA specially to find-out whether there was an element of hate / racial crime involved in any of these 10 cases so that some proper measures can be taken to ensure that such hate / racial crimes against Indians don’t take place in future.

If the US_Administration doesn't agree for such a Joint or Shared investigation then the GoI may be constrained by the SCI to move the ‘International Court of Criminal Justice” against the USA to get this relief.  Moreover the representative organization (existing or new) of the Asian Indian diaspora in the USA can move the US-Supreme Court (USSC) to  get direction to the US-administration to submit in the Court the details of investigation in all these 10 cases showing as to how the US-administration investigated all these cases from the point of view of any hate / racial crime or other criminality in each of these 10 cases and what are its suggestions / recommendations from US-Administration to Indian students in particular and for larger Indian diaspora in the USA in general so that they don’t become victim of any hate / racial crime or other criminalities of the perpetrators in future. 

It is hoped some Asian Indian American will urgently go to India to get the above mentioned petition in the SCI so that the students and larger community of  Asian Indian Americans don’t live under the fear of  such hate / racial crimes in future in the USA

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