Whatever Prez Biden & PM Modi may think about Ukraine, Bangladesh etc but real solution is USDCGI. By Hem Raj Jain


 if Prez Biden & PM Modi think that without launching “ New US sponsored Rule Based Global Order” the global problems can be solved then they are living in a make believe world. 

This refers to the news that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden on Monday discussed regional and global issues, including the situation in Ukraine and Bangladesh, and pledged to strengthen multilateral cooperation, including in the Quad (as reported at https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/modi-and-biden-discuss-bangladesh-ukraine-over-phone-call-101724727951762.html ). 

Ukraine (where Zelensky has announced an explosive  peace plan as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vUTx1hOD3M which may trigger nuclear war due to ‘Russia’s NuclearWeapon Use Policy’) and Bangladesh where any likely serious demand from Bangladesh to India for extradition of Sheikh Hasina and India’s highly likely refusal to do so may trigger large scale violence in Bangladesh especially by Jamat-E-Islami which may have serious implications for the safety and security of Hindus especially during coming Durga Puja festival in the first half of coming October. 

The talks between the leaders of the world's most powerful secular democracy the USA and world’s largest secular democracy India is good for the peace in the world which is under threat due to recent disturbing developments all across the world (including in Middle East and Pacific) but the main problem is that both these leaders (Prez Biden & PM Modi) are addressing only the symptoms of the problem / disease and not the disease itself hence they wouldn’t able to solve these global problems.

During World War -I it was thought by involved powerful countries  that in the interest of avoiding further  World Wars a global body is needed hence the League of Nations was launched but it failed to avoid World War - II because it was believed that the USA was not a part of it hence after World War -II the United Nations sponsored by the USA was launched (based on veto power to victors of World War-II) with its office on the soil of the USA at New York.  But now this global order of the UN has been destroyed through the UKraine war by a veto wielding country Russia mainly with the help of another veto wielding country China hence the world is facing these problems and is facing larger threat to global peace  (which Biden & Modi discussed) in a globalized world which can’t do without a global order. Therefore if Prez Biden & PM Modi think that without launching a “New Human Rights Friendly People Oriented Rule Based Participatory Global Order of Secular Democracies” (NHRFPORBPGOSD) these global problems would be solved then they are living in a make believe world. 

Prez Biden & PM Modi ought to understand that the global order of the UN collapsed due to three reasons (A)- It didn’t discriminate between countries with secular democracy and the countries which didn’t practice and are not practicing secular democracy (B)- The USA has lost the appetite to put US boots on ground in various theaters of war all across the world because it is a country of merely about  330 million people hence can’t afford to lose so many American soldiers all across the world in wars for the global body (C )- In this age of democracy the global order of the UN was ridiculously government oriented and not people oriented with the result the people the victims didn’t  have any remedy when their human rights were denied to them brazenly & blatantly even by the State apparatus of their countries (as happened in India also during 1984 killing & injuring of thousands of innocent Sikhs in Delhi, during expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Kashmiri Pandits in nineties due to  terrorism by militant Jihadis in Kashmir, during killing and injuring of thousands of innocent Muslims in Gujarat in 2002, what is happening presently in Manipur for the last over one year), what happened recently in Bangladesh where hundreds of agitators were killed during regime of Sheikh Hasina and whre hundreds of Hindus and Awami Legue supporters were killed and injured after Sheikh Hasina fled the country. etc. etc.

Fortunately  these problems can be addressed satisfactorily if the USA comprehensively helps India militarily (because China would oppose India militarily at all the five places)  by providing top military commanders (of Army, Air Force and Navy)  and high tech. defense equipments, arms- ammunitions etc in establishing mini-world body of USDCGI (United Secular Democratic Countries of Greater India of over 2 billion people (including about 700 million Muslims which will have impact on bringing secular democracy in other Muslim countries too) comprising SAARC countries plus Myanmar and Tibet ) which will ultimately evolve (after dismantling the UN) into the US-sponsored new rule based global order of USDN (United Secular Democratic Nations) rather the NHRFPORBPGOSD where no country shall have veto power and every country shall have voting right in its Security council commensurate with its contribution of men including military, money and material including military and its record of human rights (including Secular Democracy) nationally and internationally. Moreover people would be able to secure their human rights  through the mechanism of (Global Human Rights Commission, International Court of Criminal Justice,  NHRC and SHRC) by changing optional protocol OP-1 of ICCPR of the UN with mandatory Protocol MP-1 for enforcing human rights of the people in erring member countries. 

THe USDCGI can be in six stages as given below:-

(1)- By bringing Bangladesh in it by persuading Sheikh Hasina to establish her government in exile as mentioned at https://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/4447  and then making Bangladesh as part of USDCGI by simultaneously restoring peace and law & order in Bangladesh through 6 points program namely M.E.P.P.E.C by addressing the issues of ( Military, Election Commision, Police, Prison, Employment, Commission to ascertain reason for massive decrease in Hindu population on the basis of census data)   

(2)- By carrying-out plebiscite (for deciding the issue of accession in accordance with the wishes of the people) in united J&K as mandated by the IoA of J&K to INdia ( as mentioned at https://ikashmir.net/historicaldocuments/115.html ) by removing Pakistan and China (and their security forces) from the PoK (including Gilgit- Baltistan) where in this plebiscite the UNited J&K is highly likely to vote for independent J&K as part of USDCGI which is bound to necessitate the assimilation of Pakistan militarily in USDCGI. 

(3)- EStablishing on Indian soil the government in exile of elected PM Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar (who was removed from power by military coup) and then assimilating Myanmar militarily in USDCGI for (i)- eliminating safe sanctuary in Myanmar for armed rebels of North-East of India and (ii)- also for rehabilitating millions of Rohingya refugees in their country of Myanmar.

(4)-  Establishing on Indian soil the government in exile of Ashraf Ghani (who was forcibly removed by Taliban) by again installing his government militarily in Kabul by invoking 2011 “Indo-Afghanistan Strategic Partnership agreement” and then on the request of the elected government (in free & fair elections) of Afghanistan making Afghanistan a member of USDCGI.

(5)- For achieving the above mentioned two points are important for India to keep in mind (i)- For launching  USDCGI Idia will have to adopt two types of policies towards its neighbors. China and Pakistan who (earlier separately and now jointly ) have been causing problems for India militarily and through terrorism  will have to be placed at their proper place militarily with the said military help of the USA. On the contrary India should not behave as big brother or bully to other neighboring countries like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldiv etc. (ii)- India claims to be the leader of Global South (https://www.devdiscourse.com/article/international/3054610-india-hosts-3rd-voice-of-global-south-summit-a-virtual-confluence-for-change  ). Hence India should rope-in willing countries of Global South to become member of USDCGI which would ultimately merge in US Sponsored global order of the said USDN rather the NHRFPORBPGOSD which will provide adequate military support (especially any number of required boots on ground) from all the member countries of this new global order to the USA which is necessary to make the running of this  new global order a success. 

(6)- On the request of the Tibet Government in exile at Dharamshala making Tibet independent militarily from China and then on the request of this Tibet government making Tibet a part of USDCGI.

It is hoped Prez Biden and PM MOdi instead of wasting precious time would try to launch US Sponsored new global order of USDN rather the  NHRFPORBPGOSD by first launching its mini version the USDCGI of the countries of the extended SAARC region (and may be  of Global South) which will ultimately merge in the NHRFPORBPGOSD as that only would solve the problems of the world effectively.

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