
Language, Religion and Surveillance: A Comparative Analysis of China’s Governance Models in Tibet and Xinjiang> EFSAS Report


The region of Xinjiang is both socially and geographically located on China’s periphery. Bordering Afghanistan, Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, and Russia, Xinjiang has historically been China’s main route to Ce


Book Review: Thomas Menamparampil,s All Creation Groans With Pain reviewed by Yoginder S Sikand

Name of the Book: All Creation Groans With Pain
Author: Thomas Menamparampil
Published by: St. Pauls, Mumbai
Year: 2012
Pages: 120
ISBN: 978-93-5015-121-1
Reviewed by: Yoginder S. Sikand
All creation groans with pain, says the Bible (Romans 8:22), and, as this book reminds us, this is quite l


Writer and Poet Stephen Gill present poetry on New Year

What then if it is a New Year!
This day is the same as any other day of last week, even last year.
The wilful ghosts of sorrow have not dissolved nor have the fogs of ignorance which float over the cold tombs.
Rather, they have grown in strength in the gloom of violence.
If nights


Roshan Shah writes reviews on book of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

A Spiritual Treasure Trove: 91 year-old Maulana Wahiduddin Khan is a truly remarkable man. He is one of the world’s best known contemporary Islamic scholars and is deeply engaged in promoting interfaith harmony, dialogue and peace. He is a well-known spiritual guide and heads the New Delhi-based Cen


Study in The Coexistence, a novel by Stephen Gill

THE COEXISTENCE: a blueprint to live and let live
Professor Shobha Diwakar, Ph.D. (India)
Professor Olimpia Iacob, Ph.D. (Romania)
*Where there is no peace there is no health and where there is no hea


Bishop Dr. FS Bhatti presents his new Poem HOPE

In world of trouble where no hope
In world of depression where no rope
In world of blood shed where non stop
In world of friendship where is loop
In front of brutality
Where always loop, cop
In world of hopelessness
Where always stop
In world of Jesus Christ
Where always hope, ro


Faith on the Rise in Nepal: Love for the Least of These: A BreakPoint report

If I asked you to name the places where Christianity is growing the fastest, you, being a well-informed BreakPoint listener, would probably respond “Africa” and/or “China.”
And you’d be correct. The explosion of Christianity south of the Sahara is so great that a colleague of mine is surprised when


Book Review By Yoginder Sikand : Hindutva and Dalits

Name of the Book: Hindutva and Dalits—Perspectives for Understanding Communal Praxis
Editor: Anand Teltumbde
Publisher: Samya, Kolkata
Pages: 312
ISBN: 81-85604-75-4
Year: 2005
Price: Rs. 500
Reviewed by: Yoginder Sikand
The rise of Hindutva as an ideology and political force in recent decad


Pakistani Christian leader needs your prayers and support

Nobel peace prize nominee, Mr. Julius Salik is currently promoting his mission of world peace, a former federal minister, who is the true and genuine leader of not only Christian community but the other minorities. He has been elected 3 times MNA, as an independent member of the parliament, whose co


Pakistan Christian Congress presented Memorandum to EU

Human Right Unit: January 19, 2011: EU Parliament, Brussels
First on behalf of Pakistani Christians living both in and outside Pakistan , Pakistan Christian Congress (PCC) and my self I would like render my thanks with all my pleasure to the EU Parliament and this honourable delegation from the Hum


Send Concern letter to Prime Minister of Italia: On EHRC Ruling on Crucifixes

Organization of Islamic Conference OIC brings Global Blasphemy law via UNHRC resolution “Defamation of Religion Islam” while European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ruled last week that the presence of crucifixes violated a child's right to freedom of religion: Pakistan Christian Congress PCC


Separate Province and Division of Punjab: Asif Ali Zardari, Yousaf Raza Gillani and Nawaz Sharif Speak up Now!!!

President of Pakistan on Division of Punjab:

Daily Times: Thursday, July 02, 2009
Punjab not to be divided: Zardari
LAHORE: President Asif Ali Zardari, in a message to the Punjab Assembly (PA), has said he is against any kind of division of Punjab, and the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) will


Gagan Sethi is the Managing Trustee of Jan Vikas, an NGO in Ahmedabad which has been active in the struggle for justice for the victims of the 2002 Gujarat genocide. In this interview with Yoginder Sikand he talks about his work.

Q: Jan Vikas is said to have played an important role in the battle for justice for the victims of the Gujarat genocide of 2002. What has been the nature of this work?
A: We have taken up the issue of POTA detenus, trying to fight for justice of those Muslims who have been unfairly detained under


A Christian tour company in the Holy Land

Dear Sir,
In view of the changing relations between Pakistan and Israel, I should like to introduce you to Guiding Star Ltd, a Christian company operating tours in the Holy Land since 1961.
Our tours cover the holy places and biblical towns throughout the country as time allows; and we can arrange


ESCAPE OF THE ARTHURS FROM PAKISTAN. By Dr. Stephen Gill (sgill@ican.net)

I met Pastor Arthur on September 23 in 2001. At that time I was Vice President of the Christian Association of South Asians. The organization asked me to attend a meeting of its local chapter in Hamilton, Ontario. After the meeting, I stayed with the family of Dr. Rupwete, a Christian from Maharasht

PCP need your support that we may provide you better services: click on donate
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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com