Prez Biden ought to stop taking US-citizens for granted and should now give any American military aid in Ukraine. By Hem Raj Jain


The USA has already given rather wasted hundreds of billions of Dollars of military aid to UKraine but no victory so far because Ukraine Generals are no match to the requirement of winning the war. (ii)- Not merely NATO butt also under BUdapest Memorandum  Prez Biden is under obligation to  stop taking Americans for granted and should now give any American military aid in UKraine war only when this war is fought under US-military General on ground (iii)- Prez Biden is still President of the USA notwithstanding electoral victory of Prez elect Trump and Prez Biden is under obligation to conduct war in UKraine by constituting a war cabinet (iv)- Prez elect Trump can wait (to come in White House) till this war reaches to its logical conclusion which is removal of Russia from UKrainian territory (v) Prez Biden need not worry about boots on ground because he can get these in any number from extended-SAARC If works seriously for new ‘rule based global order’ .


It is not the naivette of Prez BIden [which made him to waste  hundreds of billions of dollars of aid (from  hard earned money of extremely laborious people of the USA)  to Ukraine in the Ukraine war without ensuring as to howUKraine would win the war against invading Russia] but it is the knoledge / believe of Prez Biden that the US-citizens would not hold Biden-Harris administration  accountable even during 2024 US-General election for its fiasco in Ukrainw war (as mentioned at ) with the result now the world has come on the brink of fullfledged nuclear World War - III due to the fact that Poland a NATO country has been attcked by Russia and now NATO as a united group will have to fight war against Russia as per Article 5 of the NATO that is why Prez Biden is talking to NATO leaders as reported at .


Now not merely NATO butt also under Budapest Memorandum  Prez Biden is under obligation to stop taking Americans for granted and should now give any American military aid in UKraine war only when this war is fought under a US-military General .on ground 


Legally and Constitutionally Prez Biden is still President of the USA notwithstanding electoral victory of Prez elect Trump and Prez Biden is under obligation to conduct war in UKraine by constituting a war cabinet and Prez elect Trump (who is committed to end Ukraine war within a day of coming to White House without giving ant detail as to how territorial integrity of Ukraine will be protected) can wait (to come in White House) till this war reaches to its logical conclusion which is removal of Russia militarily from entire UKrainian territory including Crimea and Donbass region. 


Only a US_military general conducting this war will ensure that whatever military resources are needed to win this war are provided promptly and adequately by the USA and its NATO Allies.   Prez Biden need not worry about boots on ground because he can get these in any number from extended-SAARC if Prez Biden works seriously for new ‘rule based global order’ .as mentioned at  and ..


Therefore in view of the above mentioned it is hoped that Prez Biden would stop taking US-citizens for granted and  now would give any American military aid in UKraine war only when this war is fought under a US-military General  on ground  for the victory in this war which is nothing but removal of Russia militarily from entire Ukrainian territory including Crimea and Donbass region.  

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