Philadelphia: Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, Editor of Pakistan Christian Post and President of Pakistan Christian Congress in a letter to President New York
Pakistani citizen observes December 25, as birthday of Mohammad Ali Jinnah every year who with his peaceful struggle divided sub-continent of India on Two Nation Theory that Hindus and Muslims cannot coexist and demanded separate country from British Raj. Mohammad Ali Jinnah who was titled as Quaid-e-Azam after creation of Pakistan on division of Indian subcontinent in 1947, and after that millions of Pakistanis celebrate this day as his birth day.
Its on record that British Raj was ready to award independence to people of India but planned to divide it in two parts and picked Mohammad Ali Jinnah to lead Muslims to raise slogan of separate Muslim state on religion grounds. Mohammad Ali Jinnah was an attorney by profession who had strong links with labor Party in England and its learnt that conspiracy to hatch Muslim state on Indian
soil took during that period and after that Mohammad Ali Jinnah returned to India and took leadership of All India Muslim League. The Pakistan came in to being on August 14, 1947, as first state formed on religion grounds on globe and Mohammad Ali Jinnah became its first Governor General while India declared its independence on August 15, 1947.
The majority of Muslims favored Indian Unity and not migrated to Pakistan while Bengali Muslims and Punjabi, Sindhi and Frontier Muslims made Pakistan as East Pakistan and West Pakistan. Moulana Azad and Mohatma Ghandi urged Mohammad Ali Jinnah till 1947 to stay united with Hindus in not to divide sub-continent of India to foil British Raj conspiracy.
After death of Mohammad Ali Jinnah in 1948, and killing of Khan Liaquat Ali Khan in Rawalpindi, the hijackers stepped forward and initiated their plans to control Pakistan. These criminals destabilized every government in Pakistan and very slowly took control of state democratic system. They inserted new personalities in Pakistan Movement and one poet named Allama Mohammad Iqbal who was Punjabi made him as national hero of independence struggle of Pakistan as one who dreamed Pakistan vision to undermine Mohammad Ali Jinnah.
Those criminal hijackers changed historical facts and gave new shape of history as Mohammad Ali Jinnah as founder of Pakistan and Allama Mohammad Iqbal a poet who vision Pakistan but its on record that Mohammad Iqbal never took any positive part in struggle of independence of Pakistan except his participation in Ali Garrah Muslim university functions of All India Muslim League.
It very important to note that any Bengali Muslim leader was not found in history of Pakistan by these criminal hijackers while Resolution of Pakistan in 1940, at Lahore was presented by one Bengali leader of All India Muslim League by Mohammad Ali.
These criminals remained an obstacle in making constitution for newly created state of Pakistan, so, 1956 constitution of Republic of Pakistan was banned and they took over government of Pakistan in 1958, and imposed Martial Law. Field Martial Mohammad Ayub Khan of Pakistan Army took control of political system curtailing democracy.
It not stopped on this, in 1971, these criminal forces wanted to control East Pakistan but failed to control the democratic forces who were main organ of formation of Pakistan in 1947. These criminal forces to end voice of right of people committed rape and used force but remained successful to keep East Pakistan under their control. Therefore, East Pakistan, won independence from these forces and new country came on map of world as Bangladesh. The 93,000 of these criminals were taken as war prisoners which was highest number in history. This Pakistan Army have lost wars with India in 1965 but in 1971 emerged as Rough Army.
(to be continued)
Its on record that British Raj was ready to award independence to people of India but planned to divide it in two parts and picked Mohammad Ali Jinnah to lead Muslims to raise slogan of separate Muslim state on religion grounds. Mohammad Ali Jinnah was an attorney by profession who had strong links with labor Party in England and its learnt that conspiracy to hatch Muslim state on Indian
soil took during that period and after that Mohammad Ali Jinnah returned to India and took leadership of All India Muslim League. The Pakistan came in to being on August 14, 1947, as first state formed on religion grounds on globe and Mohammad Ali Jinnah became its first Governor General while India declared its independence on August 15, 1947.
The majority of Muslims favored Indian Unity and not migrated to Pakistan while Bengali Muslims and Punjabi, Sindhi and Frontier Muslims made Pakistan as East Pakistan and West Pakistan. Moulana Azad and Mohatma Ghandi urged Mohammad Ali Jinnah till 1947 to stay united with Hindus in not to divide sub-continent of India to foil British Raj conspiracy.
After death of Mohammad Ali Jinnah in 1948, and killing of Khan Liaquat Ali Khan in Rawalpindi, the hijackers stepped forward and initiated their plans to control Pakistan. These criminals destabilized every government in Pakistan and very slowly took control of state democratic system. They inserted new personalities in Pakistan Movement and one poet named Allama Mohammad Iqbal who was Punjabi made him as national hero of independence struggle of Pakistan as one who dreamed Pakistan vision to undermine Mohammad Ali Jinnah.
Those criminal hijackers changed historical facts and gave new shape of history as Mohammad Ali Jinnah as founder of Pakistan and Allama Mohammad Iqbal a poet who vision Pakistan but its on record that Mohammad Iqbal never took any positive part in struggle of independence of Pakistan except his participation in Ali Garrah Muslim university functions of All India Muslim League.
It very important to note that any Bengali Muslim leader was not found in history of Pakistan by these criminal hijackers while Resolution of Pakistan in 1940, at Lahore was presented by one Bengali leader of All India Muslim League by Mohammad Ali.
These criminals remained an obstacle in making constitution for newly created state of Pakistan, so, 1956 constitution of Republic of Pakistan was banned and they took over government of Pakistan in 1958, and imposed Martial Law. Field Martial Mohammad Ayub Khan of Pakistan Army took control of political system curtailing democracy.
It not stopped on this, in 1971, these criminal forces wanted to control East Pakistan but failed to control the democratic forces who were main organ of formation of Pakistan in 1947. These criminal forces to end voice of right of people committed rape and used force but remained successful to keep East Pakistan under their control. Therefore, East Pakistan, won independence from these forces and new country came on map of world as Bangladesh. The 93,000 of these criminals were taken as war prisoners which was highest number in history. This Pakistan Army have lost wars with India in 1965 but in 1971 emerged as Rough Army.
(to be continued)
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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.