US Citizens should be worried that despite US- 2024 General election Biden & Trump got away with their unpatriotic & comical on UKraine war. By Hem Raj Jain


So called parting shot by Prez BIden and non-serious comments from Trump quarter are evidence of deeper malaise afflicting the country the USA (ii)-  Since World WAr-II the leadership of the free world has brought many benefits to the USA (economic, political and military/ strategic ) (iii)- But the USA as a country (its citizens) is increasingly proving itself to be incapable of leading the free world and rule based global order (iv)- Aspirants and incumbents of White House and Capitol Hill are nowadays no more afraid of indulging in (by their acts of commission & omission) which even constitute crimes of treason (v)- Irresponsible behavior of rest of the world about UKraine war is also the reason for the dereliction of the USA about Ukraine war  (vi)- Biden & Trump have already inflicted irrecoverable loss to US interests as leader of free world, hence it is big challenge before US citizens to end the Ukraine war which will restore the US role as leader of rule based global order. 

Entire world is worried due to the likelihood of World War - III out of the alleged decision rather the so-called parting shot of Prez BIden to allow Ukraine to use US-long range missiles deep in Russian territory (as discussed also at ) and rtaliatory statements from Russia of escalation of war (as reported at )  and non-serious (of ending UKraine war within a day as per Prez elect Trump) comments from Trump quarter on it (as reported at ) are evidence of deeper malaise afflicting the country the USA 

In any democracy including in the USA it is the people who ultimately matter because their elected representatives as in White House and Capitol Hill (in the USA) pursue the policies under the mandate of the people.  Since World WAr-II the leadership of the free world has brought many & huge benefits to the USA (economic, political and military/ strategic ) but the USA as a country (its citizens) is increasingly proving itself to be incapable of leading the free world and rule based global order that is the reason the issue of US-leadership of free world was hardly debated in 2024 US-General elections. What is worst is the fact that Biden administration allowed hundreds of billions of dollars of aid (from  hard earned money of extremely laborious people of the USA)  to Ukraine in the Ukraine war without ensuring that UKraine would win the war against invading Russia (which increasingly gained ground in Ukraine) and without ensuring a "New Rule Based Human Rights Friendly People Oriented Participatory Global Order of Secular Democracies " (NRBHRFPOPGOSD) as suggested at and so that that Russia and its ally China in UKraine war (both Veto wielding countries at the UN) would not be allowed to derive benefit & strength and power from the global order of the US-sponsored United Nations. The ridiculous statement of Prez elect Trump to end Ukraine war within a day of coming to White House without giving any detail as to how the territorial integrity of Ukraine would be protected (especially when Russia has gained by force militarily the Ukrainian territories of Crimea and Donbass which Russia justifies as part of  USSR) is less talked the better.

The aspirants and incumbents of White House and Capitol Hill are nowadays no more afraid of indulging in acts of commission & omission which even constitute crimes of treason which is evident from the fact that all the four the then US Presidents (namely Bush Jr., Obama, Trump and Biden) could get away even after committing the crime of treason by their acts of commission and omission ( as mentioned at )  and a case as mentioned at FAMILIES OF AMERICANS KILLED AND INJURED BY AL-QAEDA AND TALIBAN TERRORISTS, INCLUDING 115 GOLD STAR FAMILIES, SUE DEUTSCHE BANK, STANDARD CHARTERED BANK, DANSKE BANK, AND TWO MONEY REMITTERS FOR …) for the simple reason because the US Christianity (especially the Evangelicals who boast about their commitment to authenticity & community ) and the organization of US Veterans the American Legion didn’t take interest in motivating  the family members [of the US-soldiers killed & seriously injured in Afghanistan by terrorists with the  arms and ammunitions purchased by money through drug trafficking which was condoned and not stopped (though it could be) by the then US-administrations ) to file criminal case of treason against all the 4 former US Presidents (the supreme commander of armed forces of the USA] instead of merely the said civil case in New York against bankers etc. 

To be fair to the USA, the irresponsible behavior of rest of the world about Ukraine war is also the reason for the dereliction of the USA about UKraine war  which is evident from the response also of the largest democracy India where its PM Modi tried to give an impression that he would end Ukraine war (on the basis of non-violent policies / traditions of India) by talking to Prez Putin and Prez Zelensky where rest of the world didn’t understand that the non-violence talked about by the so called  ‘Sanatani Hindus’ (which PM Modi represents and follows) has already discredited itself when its most celebrated proponent Mahatma Gandhi wrote the letter in 1940 with title “To every Briton” (( ) which has proved once and for all that if this is non-violence (as preached by Mahatma Gandhi in “To Every Briton”)  then the mankind is better without it. 

Outgoing and incoming Presidents Biden & Trump have already inflicted huge loss to the vital interest of the USA as leader of the free world, hence it is a big challenge before US citizens to end the Ukraine war in such a way which will restore the US’s  role as leader of rule based global order (preferably the US  sponsored  the said NRBHRFPOPGOSD)

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