

The Christ Community Center is the fourth Malaysian church to have Been burnt in recent weeks.A serious blaze completely gutted the Marthoma Christian Community Center in Sungei Petani several weeks ago.Later on 13 October chairs and other church equipment were burnt and destroyed in Christ the King



On Wednesday 24 October US planes bombed a training camp outside of Kabul killing 35 members of Harakat ul-Mujahedin including 3 British Muslims and several Pakistanis. Both Harakat ul-Mujahedin and Jaish-e-Mohammad, an extremist group led by Mulana Azhar Masood which is based in Bahawalpur, are li


Bahawalpur massacre attempt to create wedge between Christians and Muslims - J.Salik

In a press statement J.Salik said the need of the hour was to hold out a credible guarantee that life, property and honor and the rights to creed of the minority communities would be fully safeguarded in their respective countries. The blanket of security should extend not only to places of worship


Mulana Azhar Masood, chief of Harkat ul Mukahaden and Jaish e Mohammad from Bahalwarpur may lead to Christian massacre in church.

On Wednesday 24 October US planes bombed a training camp outside Of Kabul killing 35 members of Harakat ul-Mujahedin including 3 British Muslims and several Pakistanis. Both Harakat Ul- Mujahedin and Jaish-e-Mohammad, an extremist group led by Mulana Azhar Masood which is based in Bahawalpur, are l


Elimination of Terrorism or Beginning of New Crusades.

The 110-storey World Trade Center that was constructed 23 years ago with the cost of $ 1 billion over an area of 16 acres, that has given to New York its new identity, where 50,000 eople worked,
and whose annual rent exceeded $ 3 billion, had become a symbol of financial and economic power of Amer


Why the Taliban are reluctant to evict Osama bin Laden? <br>A code of warfare binds Pashtun in Pakistan, Afghanistan.

"But the Kalashnikov bullet was so big and heavy that when we fired it in celebration, it dropped back down back out of the sky and killed us," said Sher Zaman Taizi, a writer, professor and elder in the village of Pabbi, just outside Peshawar, Pakistan. That does not mean the shooting
stopped. T


Woman to Be Stoned to Death

Muhammed ruled that the convict would be stoned to death when she weans her baby, adding that she would not be under prison custody but must produce herself to the court for the judgment to be executed on her. He said if the convict refused to appear before the court after the period of grace given


Roits in Nigeria.

The Kano state government played down the violence, saying it couldn't confirm a religious basis to the fighting. Spokesman Ibrahim Gwawargwa said police had confirmed four people killed and 30 rioters arrested. It would impose a 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. curfew, he added. Gwawargwa blamed the rioting


US citizen reactions on News of attack on Afghanistan.

The strike was the first major offensive by the United States military since the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania.

With the aid of troops from Great Britain, the U.S. began what is being described as the first wave of bombings in Afghanistan which are


One Muslim Blasphemer's bail plea hearing put off amidst protest.

The Bench of Mr Justice Zafar Pasha Choudhry and Mr Justice Mian Muhammad Jahangir was to hear the bail plea of Hafiz Saeed of village Noukhara, Gujranwala, who was accused by Maulvi Muhammad Ijaz of making some remarks about the parents of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) while delivering Juma sermon and he


Bush statement on ethnic and religious communities hailed. J. Salik.

In a letter J.Salik said "the World Minorities Alliance takes this opportunity to felicitate you on your wise and timely step in visiting Washington central mosque to quell a surge of anti-minority incidents in the United States.
"You were right to state that "there were millions of U.S. Muslims w


UN effective role demanded for minorities safeguard in US. WMA chief J. Salik.

In a letter to the UN Secretary General Mr. Kofi Annan, Saturday J.Salik said if the minority became vulnerable in one country, they would be safe nowhere. The letter said "The event of September 11, 2001 pertaining to attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington ar


Karachi Minority Councilor Alliance called upon City Nazim to assure safety of Christians.

Fazal Shahzad, Saleem Sohtra, Niamt Gill and Ms. Mangla Sharma were among the delegation. The delegation also toured Akhter colony, Kashmir colony, Azam Basti, Mahmmod Abad, Kausar Niazi, Essa Nagri and other Christian Ares and met Christians.


PCC leaders visit Christian colonies in Karachi and Rawalpindi.

Mean while the Chairman PCC co ordination Committee Professor Salaam Acuter along with local leaders visited the christian colonies and discussed the situation of fear among Christians of life and property during the wave of protest by the religious Muslim parties against the government decision to


Muslim Attackers on House of elected Christian councilor Naziran Begum still at large.

The accused Muslims looted jewelry and authorities yet make large sum of cash from the house during attack but no recovery. The husband of Christian woman naziran Begum is seriously ill and unable to protect his family from any future aggression of Muslims on his property.

Naziran Begum Forwarded

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com