
House Church Pastor Arrested in China

VOM has reported the frequent arrests and ill-treatment of Pastor Li during the past several years. After a lull of some months the authorities took action again last week.

The information indicates that Li-Dexian was conducting an evangelistic meeting on April 4 in Hua Du, Guangdong Province, wh


Sudans suspends food supplies - 60,000 lives at risk. Majority of them is that of Christians.

The Voice of the Martyrs hopes to be able to effectively partner with Servant's Heart in running to the assistance of the people of the Northeast Upper Nile by providing 100 metric tons of grain to the region before the rainy season starts in late May. The grain will be purchased from local farmers


PAT UK Condemns Attack on Church

In a situation where Pakistan Awami Tehreek and its leadership is trying to promote religious tolerance by inviting the Christian brethren to offer prayer in a mosque, either some thoughtless miscreants are trying to sabotage such efforts or a conspiracy has been hatched to aggravate further an alre


Ms Robinson plea to deteriorate human right situation in Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Bultistan. CAI.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights seems to echo Pakistan's official position on Kashmir question and human right issues. The Council of Advocates International expressed its extreme disappointment over the statement and warned that it would further deteriorate the situation of human rights i


PPC condemns filing of blasphemy case against activist<br>By Our Reporter

Mr Amjad Shola has been in jail in Peshawar for the last few weeks for protesting the demolition of Kutcha Abadis by the administration of Pakistan Railways, according to a PPC press release issued on Monday.

Pakistan Railways has embarked on a massive eviction drive in Peshawar, Sahiwal and Raw


Minorities demand 3pc seats in National Assembly<br>By Our Staff Reporter

Talking to a group of journalists here on Monday, the founder President of all Pakistan Buddhist Society and former minorities minister, Raja Tridev Roy, said a minorities commission, headed by a judge of the Supreme Court, should be constituted.

The commission should study, examine and investig


J.Salik presents memorandum to Pakistan foreign office

J.Salik's carriage drove into the office and was received by Mr. Saeed A Rafi, Director General Policy Planning.

J.Salik presented to the DG a copy of memorandum outlining his world peace campaign. Receiving the memorandum Mr. Saeed A Rafi said both Foreign Minister and Foreign Secretary were ou


Delegation of CLASS calls upon UK foreign minister.

Mr. Joseph Francis, the chairman of CLASS, with head office at Lahore, Pakistan, has been very active in the release of Ayub Mashie from his arrest under section 295C PPC of blasphemy from Arif Wala sub division in the South Western part of Punjab province.

The commissioning of office of CLASS i


Little chance for minority candidates to become MPs: Christians resent joint electorate

He rejected the government claim that the decision had been taken to give equal rights to minorities. If the government was sincere in its efforts, it should amend the constitution to allow a minority community member to become president of Pakistan.

He criticized the government for amending the



Expressing his deep concern over this partial truth, Mr Hussain said that the President though is right in drawing this conclusion but what is more important is that the nation now wants to know from him the complete truth that whether the jihadi groups or outfits alone are responsible for Pakistan



December 14th 2001 stands a "day of shame" and this shame has been brought by no other than Pope himself. We have failed to understand what gains does the Pope have in mind. Today our Lord Jesus Christ has been "crucified" by the Catholic Church (if it can be called a church any more). By asking Chr


Anti-Terrorism Bill proposal supported by Pak Canadian christians. Stephen Gill

"We are aware that the insidious animal of terrorism has wasted the lives of thousands of innocent persons with its eruption of madness on New York and Washington on September 11. Moreover, the animal has wasted the dreams of thousands of parents, children, brothers and relatives of those innocent p


J. Salik to stay in cage as token of protest in Ramadan. Humanitarian aid stressed for Afghan civilians.

He considers his current solidarity campaign on Afghanistan issue as part payment of the debt Pakistani Christian owed to their Muslim countrymen. For humanitarian relief in Afghanistan J.Salik advocates that the United Nations may launch a lottery scheme. The UN may put on sale vouchers of small de



Christians have been increasingly vulnerable since several Islamic religious leaders announced that two Pakistani Christians would be killed for every Muslim who dies in
Afghanistan, several weeks ago. Fifteen Christians were killed in Bahawalpur on 28 October when Muslim gunmen opened fire on a c


Testimonies from Brunei,Indonesia and holy Land.BF News.

The release ceremony took place at the Jame Asri Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque in the capital Bandar Seri Begawan. The three men had to confess to being involved in 'subversive activities' and pledge not to do so again. They also had to promise to fully co-operate with the authorities in any way require

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com