
BACA Gives Lifesaving Grant to Christian Woman Who Escaped Persecution in Pakistan and Suffered a Stroke After a Decade in Limbo in Thailand

London: Rehena Majeed, a 40-year-old Pakistani Christian asylum seeker in Thailand, joyfully received a £200 gift from British Asain Christian Association this month. This financial assistance will help her purchase medication, pay rent, and afford other essentials for her survival in Thail


Mentally Challenged Christian Woman Arrested on Blasphemy Charges in Lahore

Pakistan: (By Hannah Chowdhry and Juliet Chowdhry) In a disturbing turn of events, Jameela Bibi, a mentally challenged Christian resident, found herself behind bars after a trivial altercation with a shopkeeper escalated into serious accusations of blasphemy. The incident, which occurred on June


Persecuted Christians in Manipur Face Dual Crisis of Violence and Floods

London:  (By Hannah Chowdhry and Juliet Chowdhry) A surge in religious extremism in Manipur, India, have led to severe religious persecution against the Kuki Christian community. Over 200 Christians have been killed, and numerous villages, houses, and churches have been destroyed, resul


A protest of Pakistani Christians against atrocities by Muslims

Sialkot: A mass protest was held at jajor Palace of the Sialkot in front of the deputy commissioner office .organized by the Christian Awareness Movement ( Masihi Tehreek .e. Beadari) against the killing of Nazir Masih who was killed by a violent mob on the charge of blasphemy in Sargodha .In whi


ASC: Interfaith Conference at John Carroll University, Cleveland

Ohio: The American Sikh Council representative and interfaith leader Dr. Gurdas Singh was invited to speak at the conference. The topic under discussion by all the speakers was ‘The Role of Religions in Solving Inequalities’.

 There were six speakers from different fait


UN GA elected five new members to Security Council: Dr. Fai

New York: “On behalf of the people of Kashmir, we American citizens of Kashmiri origin offer our sincerest congratulations to the State of Denmark on its election to be the non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2025-2026. The ten non-permanent members of the Security Council a


Kashmiri Poet Ahmed Farhad Denied Bail in Anti-Terrorism Court

Islamabad: (PPF) On june 4, an anti-terrorism court (ATC) in Muzaffarabad denied bail  to Kashmiri poet Ahmed Farhad, who was reported missing from Islamabad on May 14 and later found in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) police custody on May 29.

Earlier on June 1, the Islamabad Hi


BACA Grant Program Provides Crucial Support to Christian Asylum-seeker and Refugee Families in Thailand

London: (By Hannah Chowdhry and Juliet Chowdhry) In Thailand, several thousand Pak-Christian asylum seekers are grappling with the harsh realities of living as illegal immigrants. Despite a significant number of these individuals holding UNHCR registrations as official asylum seekers or refugees,


HRFP demanding justice for murder of Nazir Masih; a Sargodha’s falsely accused of blasphemy:

Sargodha: Human Rights Focus Pakistan (HRFP) highly condemned the murder of Nazir Masih, who has been attacked on 25 May 2024 in Sargodha city of Punjab, Pakistan  HRFP team has seen from the facts during visiting the incident site on 25th and 26th May 2024 and after interviews of diffe


Seeking Justice: The Tragic Tale of Nazir Masih and the Call for Change after Extrajudicial Killing of Blasphemy Victim

London: (By Juliet Chowdhry and Hannah Chowdhry) On May 25th, Nazir Masih, aged 76, fell victim to a horrific act of violence orchestrated by a religiously charged mob in Mujahid Colony, Sargodha. The catalyst for this brutal attack was an accusation made by a local property agent named Muhammad


Help Yasir Masih, Sewage Worker, Seek Justice After Brutal Attack for Refusing Unauthorised Work

Pakistan: (By Juliet Chowdhry and Hannah Chowdhry) A Christian sweeper in Lahore was kidnapped, stripped, chained, and brutally beaten by influential Muslims.The assailants locked the sweeper in a room and subjected him to hours of torture.His family members later found him unconscious outside th


Torry Community RAAC Campaign Group Meeting Highlights Ongoing Efforts and New Legal Avenues. By Wilson Chowdhry

The latest meeting of the Torry Community RAAC Campaign Group took place on 28th April 2024, with the agenda and minutes made available to all members in advance through the Facebook page and as paper copies distributed before the meeting. 

During the meeting, it was noted that a h


PPF’s Seminar Calls for Strengthened Enforcement of Journalist Protection Laws

Islamabad: A seminar on “Effective Use of Journalist Protection Laws” organized by the Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) at Multan Press Club on May 14, highlighted ongoing challenges and governmental commitments to journalist safety and legislative implementation. Maqsooda Ansari, a lo


A Christian Businessman in Sargodha Brutally Beaten by an Enraged Mob After Being Snatched from Police Protection

London: (By Juliet Chowdhry and Hannah Chowdhry) An enraged mob set on fire the residence and shoe factory belonging to a Christian man allegedly accused of burning the Quran. The police have evacuated Christian residences in the area to avoid further damage to property and have registered an FIR


ICV Chairman Peter Bhatti condemn attack on Christians in Sargodha

Toronto: International Christian Voice Canada (ICV) was very saddened to learn of the recent incident in Mujahid Colony, Sargodha, Pakistan on the morning of May 25, 2024, in which an extremist mob vandalized the house of 70-

The mob attempted to set fire to Mr. Masih’s house as w

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com